CAMOIN in his light : exhibition at the Granet Museum in Aix-en-Provence
Charles Camoin, a Provencal Fauve
Exhibition at the Granet museum in Aix-en-Provence from June 11 to October 2, 2016. Camoin Cézanne Matisse Manguin Marquet Charles Camoin was born in 1879 in industrious Marseilles, turned mainly towards the French colonial empire. He belongs to this generation of artists who make the hinge between the XIXth and the XXth century, time of all the upheavals, whether they are technical, philosophical or artistic.
Camoin is very close to Matisse, Manguin and Marquet whom he met at the Beaux-Arts in Paris. Camoin is associated with Fauvism and he is the only beast to have forged a strong relationship with Cézanne. Some may have said that Camoin was the most Cezannian of the beasts ... An abundant correspondence between the two men testifies to this. As Matisse would later say about Cézanne "I learned a lot about him from Camoin ..."
Charles Camoin, unlike Cézanne, is one of those artists whose work was quickly known in Europe, particularly in Germany where it was noticed by avant-garde artists like Macke or Kirchner. As early as 1907, his paintings were exhibited and commented on in modern art exhibitions in Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne or Munich and the letters he received from Cézanne translated in the German press.
With this exhibition, the visitor crosses the various fundamental moments in the history of art and follows the paths taken by Camoin. She thus proposes to make discover the work of Camoin since his frequentation of the workshop of Gustave Moreau and the Matisse group, his meeting with Cézanne, his Fauve years, his relationship with the artist Emilie Charmy, until his stay at the Morocco with Matisse and his vision of the Mediterranean, dazzling and soft, shimmering and contrasting.
More than 90 works by Camoin, Cézanne, Matisse, Manguin and Marquet will be presented, in a space of more than 700 m2.